Welcome to SWGRUS V.3

SWGRUS.com has officially made some new changes to the site.
Viewing posts and content will be seamless on all devices including desktop, mobile and tablet viewing. The new layout features our most popular and featured content up in the header up top.
Our exclusive features will now be located mid-way on our homepage but will also in the main header under ‘Features’.
Our blog section will have the latest post in chronically order so you can consume each posts as its posted.
Our new inline search engine on the site will give you results on-page as you type for each person, tag or track.
In the sidebar, connect to our social media pages on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Tumblr. Also get a look at what’s ‘Popular’ while reading new posts.
Let us know what you think about the upgrades to the site. Enjoy.
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