Despite rough, awkward, and weird times. Neo-soul can always turn darkness into light.

That’s exactly what British-Jamaican singer Cleo Sol delivers with her second album to date Rose in the Dark. Through the angelic sounds of London based producer Inflo, Sol’s dynamic voice over jazz pianos and harmonic strings captures ears within seconds of her words. Gently she can certainly sway a hidden rose to come out and believe life will be just fine. Rose in the Dark begins like the opening scene of the most beautiful love story you may ever see. Her voice is equivalent to Sunday morning rides to your local convenience store with Granny. Sol’s songs is comparable to your favorite 1975 Motown classics. Songs like “Why Don’t You,” and “Young Love” will put you in the feelings of being 20 and in love again. “Young love / don’t ever waste your life,” Sol sings on the track is a message everyone should hear and relate. “Rewind” makes you feel like everything happens for a reason. Continue to push forward especially through these quarantine times, this song is essential for today’s social climate. Sol spills her soul on “Sure of Myself,” a beautiful ballad over guitar strings and what sounds like the morning ocean waves, Sol takes you for a walk on the beach in the middle of the night to reflect on believing in yourself.
The acoustic “Butterfly” is more encouragement making you believe everything works in your favor if you just hold on. “Butterfly, lost in the night / Running out of faith but your wings are still bright.” If songs make you cry easy — this is the one. You have to believe and Sol’s voice surely takes you there. This album should be at the top of everyone’s quarantine list, but I can assure you this album will live much longer than any pandemic can muster.
Listen to the album on the player below.

Ambient listening
No Features
Cohesive production
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